Monday, June 18, 2012

Assignment 1- Creating your Blog

Assignment 1- Creating your Blog
William Kincheloe
Com 480: Com Studies Capstone
Deloris Freemont


 After creating my blog with the help of Google I realized that there are several elements or guidelines of purpose such as design, content and audience. The name of my blog is and I enjoyed designing the site and I look forward to adding tremendous content with will engage audience members on a cognitive level. Each of the following elements plays a role that helps enhance different messages.
Design, content and audience are individual elements that separate a boring looking blog from a contemporary upbeat blog. The overall design of a blog is geared for attention which helps capture minds of people looking at the blog. The design of a blog should be vibrant and easy to read with a upward and downward flow of communication. The flow of communication coincides with the next element of content.
Content is everything that is written on the blog such as stories, events, news, and classifieds. The element of content is very important because after the design and layout of the blog sparking the interest of a audience the content is what is supposed to keep the interest yearning for more information like a paper shredder needs paper. The content of a blog is usually associated with interest that others want to know about, should know about, or is and ideology that's on the mind of the author geared towards a specific audience.
The last guideline of purpose is the audience. This is important because the audience is who depicts or deems your blog prevalent and with the emergence of social networks such a twitter, Face book, and my space, your audience could expand overnight if given the opportunity. Knowing who your target audience is will help enhance the overall flow of design and content within a blog. Once you identify your audience then you have a specific set of rules that you abide too in order to appeal to a bigger audience.
Creating a blog on Google was very simple and not time consuming at all. The only problems that I depict with blogging has to do with the user friendliness of adding gadgets, calendars, and secondary measures that give a blog site a "pop" or "jazz" effect. I like the fact that there is a place to write different stories about anything with the option of having someone respond to your thoughts is an amazing feat that I look to embrace and take full advantage of.


 Lannon, J. M. (2008). Technical Communication (11th ed.). University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth: Pearson

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