The importance of graduating high school and going to college to further your education
is the best investment you can make for your future. There are many conceptions involving
this very topic but the truth cannot be denied. In order to be successful in today’s society one
must choose to graduated high school and attend college. The pressures of life do not begin
when once you wake up six years into a repetitive job with five kids, debt and bad credit. High
school is like a bread basket from a five star restaurant preparing you for an appetizer. High
school pressures help form your backbone for the real world in corporate America. High school
gives a sense of responsibility and trustworthiness by allowing clubs and other extracurricular
activities to interact with the future business leaders of the world. The interaction from a club
or organization helps shape the underlying intrapersonal communication with ones’ self and
interpersonal communication with others. There are many group settings that hone a young
adult’s communication, group, and individual skills in order to help improve negative stereotypes
concerning college, personal constructs due to past experiences, and future behavior which is
learned from high school and college functions inside and outside of the classroom.
College is like an appetizer getting you ready for the main course of life in corporate
America once you graduate. This is the last stop before the corporate hustle and flow of life,
family, and time. In college, more responsibility is given to students with higher expectations
demanded in return. This is true with corporate America as well. Those who dedicate
themselves to a higher level of education usually transfers over to a higher paying job than those
who do not choose to attend college. College helps boosts your investment within yourself
by showing others you have taken the responsibility to attend a higher level of education.
The benefits of graduating college have increased over the last 10 years due to the economies
importance on college, baby boomer generation, and generation X. The economies have taken
a slide backwards and in the midst are students that were attending college and others were in
the process of enrolling into college. For the students who succumb past the obstacle’s in college
such as money, grades, sexual preference, extra circular activities, and attendance then upon
graduation the availability of a job is endless compare to students who did not attend college.
Keep in mind it is very possible to become successful by not attending college because many
people have not gone to college and have become pillars of the community, but this is a road that
is less traveled and more obstacles than those who attended and graduated college.
College is one of the things that you get out what you put in to it. Depending on how
serious you take in consideration of graduating and grades determines your fate in terms of the
type of habits you attain negative or positively while seeking a degree. High School prepares
you for college, while college prepares you for your career. Depending on how much you invest
in yourself determines the lifestyle you choose to live. The pressures of life do not begin when
once you wake up six years into a repetitive job with five kids, debt and bad credit.
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