Explaining Concepts Essay

College Concepts for a first Year Student
In my family, the concept of college is a wide spectrum and a road less traveled. There has been a notion that college is a proven concept that will take you farther in life than those who do not attend or graduate high school. “Hongjiang Xu stated “With study programs for students and the internationalization of faculty, perceptions of students toward higher educational, particularly aspects of teaching and learning, from various cultural backgrounds will strongly influence educational systems.” (March, 2011 Vol. 10 pg. 1) The ideology of college has been like a high school principal overseeing my grades, checking my attendance, ensuring my success so that in turn I can help start a legacy of going to college and graduating rather than not attending college and wondering 20 years down the line “I wonder if I went to college?”
In elementary school my grandmother was very good with harping to my brother and I about why we need college, and how living under her roof meant going to college. I needed to make this a priority given with all the family members that have failed at the college concept and as a result they are asking themselves now “I wonder if I went to college?” With this in mind I never was allowed to bring home bad grades because this would hinder my ability to get into college on an academic scholarship. During my junior year of high school I quickly enrolled in summer school classes because all the my friends that were seniors informed me to take government and economics during summer school in order to bypass any headaches with class due to failing grades, while playing high school football, and maintaining the notion of going to college. My life seems as like the concept of college has directly helped place the importance of completing non court ordered volunteer work. Every year it seemed as though college was something that was not a concept I was interested with because of fact it is more school. When I start to feel lazy with college, I then remember what it took for me to attend college, with the goal of graduating. My grandmother made a huge sacrifice by leaving Chicago, Illinois, in order to raise two hard head brothers due to a mother who was in her 3
rd childhood. The importance of the college concept is hard to put into words because of the magnitude of doors opened for attending and the benefits of graduating.
The benefits of attending college far outweigh the negatives of not attending. With a college degree or any college courses completed, employers are more apt to understanding you as a person and responsibility commitment. By not going to college employers view this as an ideology of laziness and poor self worth. Another benefit of college is being able to work in a field of your expertise that you enjoy rather than waking up each morning wondering “I wonder if I went to college” what my life would have been like.
In conclusion the college concept is very imperative and helpful in life. The ideology of college has been like a high school principal overseeing my grades ensuring my success so that in turn I can help start a legacy of going to college and graduating rather than not attending college and wondering 20 years down the line “I wonder if I went to college?”

Hongjiang Xu. Research in Higher Education Journal. Jacksonville: Mar 2011. Vol. 10 pg. 1, 10 pgs

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